Submission Guidelines 


Formatting and Submitting Poetry

E-mail your work to us by sending 1–3 poems in the body of an e-mail message. In the subject line write Submission: Theme, in which “Theme” is the theme for the issue, for example, “Submission: We Are Monsters All” for Issue 3. If your work requires complex formatting, inform us in the message and attach a PDF file. Include a brief message and an author bio of max 100 words. Send your submission to submissions( A T ) NOTE: Replace ( A T ) with @

Submitting Artwork

Send an e-mail message to submissions( A T ) NOTE: Replace ( A T ) with @

In the subject line write Submission: Theme, in which “Theme” is the theme for the issue, for example, “Submission: We Are Monsters All” for Issue 3. If you are sending artwork for another project use the subject line Submission: Artwork, instead.  Include a brief message and an artist bio of max 100 words. Attach pdf, png, jpeg, or svg files only. Send 1–3 works of art. If the files are too large to send in the same e-mail message, you can send separate messages for each work. 

Reading Periods and Themes

Up-coming Open Periods:

Issue 1: Trauma will be open May 1–May 15, 2024. CLOSED

Issue 2: Awe will be open June 1–June 15, 2024. CLOSED

Issue 3: We Are Monsters All will be open July 1–July 15, 2024. OPEN

Issue 4: Every Party Needs a Bard will be open August 1–August 15, 2024. UPCOMING

Simultaneous Submissions

We accept simultaneous submissions, but be courteous and inform us immediately if a piece gets accepted elsewhere. 


We do not accept reprints. Please submit new work only. 

AI Content

We accept only human-created poetry and art. 


We can’t pay contributors up front yet.  However, once an issue has sold over 50 copies, the creators will receive quarterly royalty payments for each copy over 50 that were sold.

Submission Fees

We don’t charge submission fees.

Author Copies

If you request it, we’ll send you a PDF  of the issue. If you want a print version, you’ll have to buy it via Amazon. 

Publishing Rights

Island of Wak-Wak reserves the right of first publication for all work it publishes. You retain the copyright, but we suggest you wait a month out of curtesy before publishing it elsewhere.

Submission to Island of Wak-Wak and Sublimation constitutes acceptance of these terms.

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